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TME Services

Security Awareness

Simply Relying On Cybersecurity Software Is Not Enough

Cybercriminals rely on a lack of awareness among individuals to carry out cyberattacks. Security awareness training is the only way to make sure that your organization is completely safe against such attacks.

Being unaware of the latest cybersecurity threats is a sure way to become a victim to them. Antivirus and other cybersecurity tools are excellent as the first line of defense, but they are not enough. Your organization might employ the best software in the world, but a simple spoofed phishing email can lead to a collapse of security. As the number of spam emails increases day by day, all your employees must be trained about threats from cybercriminals to avoid making mistakes

Why Should You Train Your Employees?

Your employee’s lack of awareness is a weakness in your organization. Any data breach or loss caused due to their actions will harm not only your organization’s finances but also your customers and your reputation. Our security awareness training modules can solve all such shortcomings within your organization and cement its resilience against cyberattacks.

If the organization wishes to promote learning and change the attitude of the employees towards phishing attacks, there are five principles necessary in establishing a successful phishing training program.

Explain to your employees about the phishing simulation program, the training processes, its goal and share the concerns regarding phishing risks.
Make the phishing simulation program as stimulating triggers to uncover the weaknesses of the organization rather than a trap to fail employees.
The triggers transform and keep on changing, even though in most cases hacker’s use the same old tricks. So, it is a good practice to make phishing simulations both continuous and repetitive with a wide variety of triggers.
We learn from our mistakes. Likewise, an employee learns from their mistake when they are exposed to the simulating trigger and click on the phishing simulation email. This approach is best leveraged when the content is dynamic and relevant to each simulation email.
Employee training should be based on real-time data, depending upon the employee’s learning progress and adapt training accordingly. In order to achieve consistent change, one should not do guesswork or random efforts.

Perks of our security awareness training

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