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TME Services

Virtual CISO

The Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Expert Security Knowledge Within Your Organization

The Virtual CISO service offering provides experienced Security Program oversight and strategy for an organization, without the need for a dedicated full-time equivalent Security Officer.
Lack of Qualified Cybersecurity Personnel

One of the most common defects my clients is the lack of security personnel. The reasons for this may be either lack of funds, difficulty to find the apt personnel or the belief that such a position is not necessary in the company. Cyber security is a fast-growing field with numerous job opportunities available but not enough persons to acquire those positions. It is difficult to overcome the funding issues without proper planning and justification, so the organizations must identify such areas and determine if funding could be allocated for the security position.


People are considered as an asset as well a vulnerability and the vulnerabilities rise when there are not enough people to do the job and it is a risk to the organization as well. A good security program needs human intelligence and actions to stay away from cybersecurity threats.

Risks for Organizations with Cybersecurity Personnel Issues
If the organizations cannot find the correct security personals, they should try to overcome it through technology and partnerships with third party groups. Cyber attacks do not stop when there is a shortage of cyber security officials. But if the organization calls for more security positions, it indicates that there is a necessity of qualified security personnel which signals the attackers that it is time to attack.
Virtual CISO
One solution for personnel shortages are the usage of CISO (vCISO) resource. Using this service, support and expert resources are provided to help the organization to improve their security program. There is no extra expense associated with this and also maintains qualified cybersecurity personnel also. Using the aid of a dedicated vCISO helps you to overcome many challenges.


vCISO does as much program as you permit them. This means to identify your security goals and determine where the virtual CISO resource sets in your organization. It includes chairing a Steering Committee, checking various security frameworks, create a good working policy etc.

vCISOs are ready to join you on your journey. Check out more about what a virtual CISO can do to help you identify your unique security program’s greatest challenges.

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