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TME Services

Important Changes to UAE EmaraTax Portal Access5 min read

Author: Malavika Kolera
Manager - Tax & Compliance

As a leading provider of business setup and compliance services in Dubai, TME Services wants to remind clients of an important upcoming change in accessing the UAE’s EmaraTax portal. This modification will affect all businesses operating in or expanding to the UAE.

Key Points:

1. New Login Requirement: Starting 30.09.2024, access to all FTA EmaraTax portal services will require logging in via the authorized person’s UAE PASS application.

2. Current Login Method Obsolete: After this date, EmaraTax’s existing username-and-password login system will no longer function.

3. Mandatory Account Linking: To maintain uninterrupted access to EmaraTax services for Value Added Tax (VAT) and Corporate Income Tax (CIT) purposes, businesses must link their existing EmaraTax account with the UAE PASS account of the authorized person.

4. Deadline for Action: This account linking must be completed by 29.09.2024 at the latest.

5. Scope: This change impacts all EmaraTax portal services.

Why This Matters for Your Business

For companies operating in the UAE, this login migration is crucial to maintain seamless access to tax services and ensure compliance with local regulations. Failure to complete the required account linking could result in disruptions to tax filings and other essential business processes.

How TME Services Can Support You

As experts in UAE business compliance, TME Services is prepared to assist your businesses with:

1. UAE PASS Setup: We can guide you through the process of obtaining and setting up a UAE PASS account for your authorized representative.

2. Account Linking: Our team will ensure your EmaraTax account is properly linked to the correct UAE PASS account before the deadline.

3. Compliance Checks: We’ll review your tax compliance status to ensure all obligations are met during this transition period.

4. Ongoing Support: After the migration, we’ll continue to help you navigate the new login system and manage your tax obligations.

Next Steps:

If you’re a business owner or manager with operations in the UAE, we recommend taking action well before the 30.09.2024 deadline.

By staying ahead of regulatory changes like this, businesses can maintain smooth operations and focus on growth in the UAE market.

Trust TME Services to keep you informed and compliant every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure your company is prepared for this important change in UAE tax administration.

Visit our services page to learn more about everything we do.


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