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Rising Inflation in Germany and Businesses Expansion to the UAE6 min read

Author: Uwe Hohmann
Managing Partner, MBA Tax Law / Commercial- & Tax Consultant

At TME Services, we monitor global economic shifts that could impact our clients’ business decisions. Recent developments in Germany’s inflation outlook have caught our attention, potentially creating a unique opportunity for businesses considering expansion or relocation to the UAE.

The German Inflation Situation

According to a recent statement by Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel, inflation in the Eurozone, particularly in Germany, remains a concern. Despite recent interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank (ECB), Nagel emphasizes that inflation is “not where we want it to be.” Key points include:

  1. Inflation may rise again towards the end of the year, potentially reaching around 2.5% by the end of 2024.
  2. Wage growth in Germany remains rapid, which could put upward pressure on prices.
  3. Labour shortages in Germany are likely to keep wages high even in the long term.
What This Means for German Businesses Already Operating in the UAE

German businesses operating in the UAE are uniquely positioned in light of the current inflationary pressures in Germany. They face both opportunities and challenges:

  1. Stability Advantage: These firms benefit from the UAE’s stable economic environment, including lower inflation and a fixed exchange rate. This could potentially lead to more predictable costs and higher profit margins compared to their Germany-based counterparts.
  2. Supply Chain Complexities: Due to rising costs in Germany, they may face challenges in dealing with German headquarters or suppliers, potentially affecting pricing negotiations and profit repatriation.
  3. Talent Attraction: UAE-based German businesses are well-positioned to attract skilled German expatriates seeking to escape inflationary pressures at home, potentially enhancing their workforce with familiar talent.
What This Means for German Businesses Planning to Establish in the UAE
  1. Economic Stability: The UAE offers a stable economic environment with lower inflation rates and better tax policies, providing an attractive alternative to Germany’s inflationary pressures and high-tax regime.
  2. Strategic Expansion: Establishing in the UAE can serve as a cost-effective growth strategy, allowing German businesses to access new markets in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia while diversifying away from European economic uncertainties.
  3. Talent Pool Access: With Germany facing labor shortages and rising wages, the UAE’s diverse expatriate workforce and flexible visa policies offer German businesses access to skilled talent at potentially more competitive rates.
How TME Services Can Support Your Business

The contrast between Germany’s inflationary pressures and the UAE’s stable, growth-oriented economy presents a unique window of opportunity for businesses.

At TME Services, we’re committed to helping your business thrive, no matter what economic challenges arise.

Our comprehensive services are designed to support you every step of the way:

  1. Company Formation: We guide you through all aspects of setting up your company, whether in a free zone or on the mainland, ensuring you choose the best option for your business.
  2. Visa and Emirates ID Services: We streamline the process of securing visas and Emirates IDs for you and your employees, allowing you to focus on your business operations.
  3. Accounting: Our team ensures your business stays compliant with local financial regulations, which is crucial for maintaining good standing in Dubai’s business community.
  4. Tax: We help navigate Dubai’s tax environment, ensuring your business remains compliant while optimizing your tax position.
  5. Business Consulting: Leveraging our deep understanding of Dubai’s market, we provide valuable insights and help you develop effective strategies to thrive in the food and logistics sector.

Visit our services page to learn more about everything we do.


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