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Inflation Decrease in Dubai5 min read

Author: Uwe Hohmann
Managing Partner, MBA Tax Law / Commercial- & Tax Consultant

Dubai’s economic landscape witnessed a modest decrease in annual inflation in February, decelerating to 3.36% from January’s rate of 3.6%. This development, as reported by the Dubai Statistics Center, was significantly influenced by reductions in transportation costs and expenses in the recreation, sports, culture, and tobacco sectors. Concurrently, the emirate’s non-oil private sector continued to exhibit robust growth momentum, underlined by a Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) of 58.5, marking the highest level since May 2019. 

The decrease in inflation, particularly in the transportation sector and discretionary spending areas, suggests a potential easing of operational costs for businesses engaged in these sectors. This could translate into marginally improved profitability for corporations, especially those within the logistics, entertainment, and retail sectors. Given the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) framework in the UAE, which is poised to be implemented for tax periods commencing on or after 01.06.2023, businesses might find this an opportune moment to reassess their financial strategies. 

Dubai’s non-oil private sector growth, as indicated by the elevated PMI figures, signals a robust economic momentum. This growth trajectory, supported by an increased volume of new orders and accelerated hiring practices, presents a positive outlook for the emirate’s economic health.

How TME Services Can Support Your Business

The modest decrease in annual inflation and the continued growth in Dubai’s non-oil private sector paint a picture of an economy that is navigating through global and regional economic challenges with resilience. For businesses, the evolving economic indicators amidst the introduction of the Corporate Tax regime in the UAE highlight the importance of strategic financial planning and compliance. As Dubai continues to cement its position as a dynamic economic hub, understanding and adapting to these economic and regulatory changes will be key for businesses aiming to capitalize on the emirate’s growth prospects.

With over 18 years of experience in the UAE and the Middle East, we specialize in legal, tax, accounting, and compliance matters. Visit our services page to learn more about everything we do.


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