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UAE announces new 10-year Blue Residency visa5 min read

Author: Uwe Hohmann
Managing Partner, MBA Tax Law / Commercial- & Tax Consultant

The UAE has introduced a 10-year residency visa for environmental advocates. This visa, called Blue Residency, is for individuals who have made exceptional efforts to protect the environment, both in the UAE and globally.

Eligible for this visa are supporters of environmental action, including members of international organizations, global award winners, and distinguished activists and researchers. Applications can be submitted through the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security, and candidates can also be nominated by authorities.

The Blue Residency is part of the UAE’s initiatives, marking 2024 as the year of sustainability.

The UAE typically issues two-year residency visas. In 2019, it introduced the 10-year Golden Visas for investors, entrepreneurs, and exceptional individuals. Later, a five-year Green Visa was announced for retirement.

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